Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Food !

Well, we decided our sweet chub-chub needs to get some more meat on his bones, so we introduced him to real food! Grant started eating solid food on Lance's birthday. He is eating banana oatmeal at dinner time. It is a slow transition while he learns how to use his tongue to help him swallow, but he seems to be doing great. We have let him suck on green apples and oranges prior to this and he sucked all of the juices out of them both. That was our sign, he is surely ready! Here are some pictures of Grant's first real meal!

1 comment:

Ashmommy said...

he is such a cutie... isnt blogging fun?! I need to catch up on mine. But you should check out After you finish grant's first year blogging you can turn it into a book. check it out!