- Blueberries and "Nana's" - Grant loves eating them
- Saying his first two word phrase - "Mo Nana" - More Nana
- Trying to step up stairs while standing
- Understanding two part commands -ie, Get the keys and give them to Mommy
- Trying to say Thank you - "Thu Thu Thu"
- Calling the kitty - Wiggles his fingers and makes kissing sounds
- Sleeping in his own big boy bed
- Playing in his sensory bin
- Playing with his Golf clubs
- Wanting lots of horsey rides on our backs
- Wrestling with Dada
- Skyping with Grandparents
- Communicating very well with gestures and sounds
- Dancing to music all the time
- Walking backwards
- Saying 'Boo" for peekaboo
- Turning in circles
- Blowing kisses
That's all I can think of for now - I lost my list somewhere. It is just incredible how big he is getting and how fast he is growing! I can barely stand it, he is getting so big!
We just love him to pieces!