Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Grant's Favorites

Here are a few things Grant has been doing and or liking lately

  • Blueberries and "Nana's" - Grant loves eating them
  • Saying his first two word phrase - "Mo Nana" - More Nana
  • Trying to step up stairs while standing
  • Understanding two part commands -ie, Get the keys and give them to Mommy
  • Trying to say Thank you - "Thu Thu Thu"
  • Calling the kitty - Wiggles his fingers and makes kissing sounds
  • Sleeping in his own big boy bed
  • Playing in his sensory bin
  • Playing with his Golf clubs
  • Wanting lots of horsey rides on our backs
  • Wrestling with Dada
  • Skyping with Grandparents
  • Communicating very well with gestures and sounds
  • Dancing to music all the time
  • Walking backwards
  • Saying 'Boo" for peekaboo
  • Turning in circles
  • Blowing kisses

That's all I can think of for now - I lost my list somewhere. It is just incredible how big he is getting and how fast he is growing! I can barely stand it, he is getting so big!

We just love him to pieces!

No More Monkey Sleeping In My Bed

Good News everyone - Grant no longer sleeps in our bed! Yes, make your comments and judgements all you want, but Grant was sleeping in our bed from about 9 months - 14 months. We learned our lesson and probably will not do it again with our next baby. However I will say there is something so sweet and precious about having your angel sleep right next to you! But Lance and I were both ready to get him out! For some reason I was calm about the whole transition. I figured he would wake up in the middle of the night once or twice for a few nights and that would be it. And that is exactly what happened. By the 8th night he slept all through the night! He has since been waking up a bit, but that is because he has pneumonia and a bad cough. We did not put him in his crib however. Grant sleeps in a big boy bed, our futon. I like it because it is low to the ground, so if he wakes up and tried to get off, he can without falling off the bed. As of now, he does not get out of bed on his own. He waits for Lance or I to get him from a nap or in the morning. Well, I guess one morning he came in my room, but Lance was traveling and I heard him wake up so I called him in. Anyhow, Lance and I are so happy to have our bed to ourselves, And truthfully, we are so darn proud of Grant for being such a big boy and transitioning to his bed with ease!