Sunday, March 29, 2009

Walk on the River

We went out on a walk in downtown Naperville the other weekend when it was nice and sunny. We have such a beautiful downtown here with tons of fun things to do. There are many different restaurants, coffee shops, great shopping, book stores, bars, parks, and so much more. On this outing, we walked the river and watched all the kids fly their kites at the sled hill! It was a very fun Saturday evening! Grant is learning to love being outside. Poor guy has been cooped up in the house all winter because it has been so darn cold! Hopefully Spring is just around the corner so we can enjoy the outdoors a bit more. Here are some pictures from our outdoors adventure!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Superman on St. Patty's Day!

Here is our Superman! On St. Patty's Day it was fairly nice and sunny outside, (a great surprise!) so Daddy and Grant went outside to play. Lance was flying Grant all around and he was loving it! It was so cute and fun.

Even though we are not Irish, I had to buy this cute 'Kiss me I'm Irish' t-shirt. The funniest part is he was way too big for it! Enjoy the cute green pictures !

Friday, March 20, 2009

Up and Running !

So, I have finally started our blog! (It has only taken me about 5 months - better late than never!) I think this will be such a fun way to post various thoughts, ideas, events, and adventures our family takes.

As for now - Grant is growing so quickly, it is just amazing. He turned 5 months old on Tuesday, and it seems as though time has flown by. Here is an updated picture of how so very cute he is!

Enjoy, and come back for more !